Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Anecdote 1

Not long ago, like in April, my Family and I went to Yosemite as a family trip. About four o'clock we had finished touring Yosemite and went back down the mountain in the car. My little sister, Kathy, had checked her phone for any missed calls or voice mails and she did have a missed call from our older sister, Stacy. After, she finished listening to the voice mail Kathy told us that Stacy left a voice mail telling her Happy Birthday. It was not the first year we have forgotten Kathy's birthday, so we started talking about how we had forgotten her birthday. Meanwhile, my dad was in the drivers seat talking on the phone with his sister in Mexico, when suddenly he turned around and told us shut up. Once my dad was done talking on the phone he yelled at us saying that it was rude to be talking over him and that what he was talking to his sister about was important and he could not hear her. My mom spoke up and told him that today was Kathy's birthday immediately he said,"I don't care!" I couldn't believe that came out of my dad's mouth, I was so furious at him, how could he say something like that about this own daughter.

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